Friday, December 24, 2010

Request for Poetic Writers

Recently, I've put together a weekly planner, and while speaking to a new friend, I got an idea to include poetry in this planner, specifically with God speaking to the reader.  My 2011 Weekly Planner (138 pages) is now available for viewing, and for prepaid orders of $12.00 plus shipping.

The details of the planner: 5.5 x 8.5, papercover, spiral bind, creme paper. Complete with scriptures and place for personal reflection and prayer.

If you can write poetry, using God's voice to encourage his children, I would like to hear from you.  If you've already written this type of poetry and would like to see it in print, send your submission to me via email.  I am interested in hearing from anyone interested in being a contributor.

My idea is to make a planner for 2012 with poetry from different writers/contributors.  All names would be included with the poem, and if space allows, a brief bio, or website for other books by the poet/author could be included.

I don't have all the details yet, but would love to hear from those who have a special writing gift and are interested in getting their name and reputation in printed form.

God bless you and your family this Christmas season!

Kathy Schubitz

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A New Day

What a blessing it is to be back online and functioning properly.

May the Lord bless you with health, peace and prosperity today and every day. Allow your heart and eyes to be fixed on the Lord and He will direct your steps.

Let your words be filled with love and blessings, for yourself and others. For with your words, you will create…

Make a decision to be blessed, and to be a blessing, every day!


Friday, September 24, 2010

Life can sometimes get in the way

Hello everyone!

An update of where I've been--pulled away by unforeseen incidents with my living and working environments.  A safety and security issue has surrounded me for more than a month, and I've reached a conclusion that I was hoping would not be the answer.  I have to relocate, but first, find the new place through perseverance and prayer.

I will keep you posted as time allows. If you have any leads on a new place or location, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.

Be blessed this day and every day!


Friday, September 3, 2010

The last of Jerry Jenkins' writing tips

16) Avoid "on the nose" writing or telling something that exactly mirrors life. Don't describe too much; get to the story.

17) Resist the urge to explain

18) Avoid mannerisms of attribution

19) Give specifics to give a ring of truth

20) Avoid similar character names, including the first letter

The last one -- Avoid mannerisms of punctuation such as italics for titles and varying type sizes.

Remember, these are Jerry thoughts for fiction writing.  They've only been shared for use as guidelines.  If you're like me, I oftentimes don't follow, have fun writing!

Enjoy your holiday weekend... see you next week!


Are you ready to submit your manuscript? Do you need an editor or proofreader? Visit to submit your work and contact us for a quote.

Monday, August 30, 2010

More Writing Hints from Jerry Jenkins

More hints from Jerry:

11) Avoid descriptive words
12) Avoid the term "literally" when you mean "figuratively"
13) When someone has spoken, it is not necessary to be using "he or she says" following the use of quotation marks
14) Maintain a single point of view from scene to scene
15) Avoid cliches

Until next time, write, write, write!

Have a great week,

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Our mission:

Thursday, August 26, 2010

More Writing Tips...

Jerry Jenkins tells fiction writers to:

6) Avoid throat clearing
7) Omit needless words
8) Oftentimes, you can delete "that" from your text
9) Avoid using quotation marks around words used out of context
10) Use strong nouns and verbs rather than too many adjectives

Have a wonderful day!


Monday, August 23, 2010

Writing Tips...

Jerry Jenkins tells us writers to:

1) Develop thick skin
2) Choose normal words over the unusual
3) Avoid subtle redundancies
4) Avoid using the words "up and "down"
5) Be sure to "show" and not "tell"

Jerry is primarily a fiction writer. These tips serve him well and may work for you as a new writer or polished writer.

Have a wonderful week!


Friday, August 20, 2010

The Final Clue - You Know You Were Born to Write...

Clue #15 - You see an average man sitting on a normal bench on a regular day and suddenly feel compelled to write a story about it.

My next set of blogs will be from Jerry Jenkins - Hints for Writers... stay posted!


Thursday, August 19, 2010

You Know You Were Born to Write...

Clue #13 - Your outgoing message says, "Hi, I'm not here right now. Please leave a query and the synopsis of your proposed message, and I'll let you know whether to call back."

Clue #14 - You'd rather meet Stephen King than Gandhi.

Have you figured out which one describes you best?  Or are you waiting for the very last one?

Have a wonderful day!

Check our our published books and more at our store

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

You Know You Were Born to Write...

Yesterday didn't count, it was my day off!

Here are the next two clues:

Clue #11 - If your house were on fire, you'd save your copy of Writer's Market first, your grandmother's jewelry second.

Clue #12 - You couldn't balance a checkbook if your life depended on it, but your submission log is cross-referenced three different ways and goes back to 1980.

Have a blessed day!


Visit my store:
Follow my other blog,
Join me on Facebook
Check out my mission
Healing and Thought-provoking poetry

Friday, August 13, 2010

You Know You Were Born to Write...

I've got one more hurdle (computer rebuild) left to go! Here's two more clues for you:

Clue #9 - You have four separate novels you'd like to get to, ten short stories, two dozen articles, and enough screenplays to bury a small village.

Clue #10 - You fall in love based on proper use of syntax.

Today's the last day for Connie Arnold's blog tour. Visit, leave a comment, and enter the drawing to win a free prize:


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

You Know You Were Born to Write...

It looks like this clues will continue into next week.  I'd like to know if you agree or don't, or which one fits you best! 

Enjoy!  Kathy

Clue #7 - You feel sex ranks a distant second to the sensation of holding a solid felt tip in your hand.

Clue #8 - You think baseball players should feel they're doing well if they get a hit every thirty at-bats.

Monday, August 9, 2010

You Know You Were Born to Write...

Clue #5 - You can recite return postage rates for London, New York, Los Angeles, and Guam.

Club #6 - Someone mentions pickle juice, and your first thought is, "Pickle Juice--that's a good title for a novel."

Enjoy your day!


Sunday, August 8, 2010

You Know You Were Born to Write

I missed a couple of days, but here are two clues, and watch for another one tomorrow.

Clue #3 - It drives you crazy that your friends don't take an extra minute to get the grammar and punctuation of their emails right.

Clue #4 - You encourage your six-year-old to copyright the story he wrote at school.

Blessings to you!


Don't forget to follow Connie Arnold on her blog tour the rest of this week. Enter the drawings to win free prizes.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

You Know You Were Born to Write...

Clue #2 - You think the Bible should be reset in 12 point Courier.

Have a good night!

Check with me tomorrow for clue #3.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

You Know You Were Born to Write...

This is from an article, "Fifteen Ways You Know You Were Born to Write" written by Author Schecter in Toronto. I will share one or two clues a day, so stay posted for tomorrow's post.

Clue #1 - You include an SASE with all personal correspondence.

Enjoy the interview this week and next. Follow Connie Arnold's blog tour for the next two weeks and enter the drawing for free prizes.  The schedule is posted at:

Join us on Twitter

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Connie Arnold on Tour Monday, August 2, 2010

Connie Arnold went blog-hopping to find my company. As a busy woman of God with many talents, I appreciate her taking the time to share her heart and inspiration behind her latest poetry book, Abundant Comfort and Grace. It was such a pleasure to design this book from cover to cover; she’s an amazing woman with poetry to touch every heart. Please enjoy the interview August 2, 2010 and share it with followers. Her book will be on sale through the end of the month from If you’d like an autographed copy, email her directly at: Her website is:

There will be prize drawings at the end of the tour. Details will follow the interview. Post a comment to enter.

Q: How did you get started writing poetry?

A: Music has been the instrument through which I had my early experience with writing poetry. I was the organist/choir director at a church for several years in my 20’s and early 30’s and began writing music there. That was my beginning of writing poetry, as text for music. Upon moving to Winston-Salem in 1996, I became inspired by my beautiful surroundings to write more poetry.

Q: What do you think has been the greatest influence on the type of poetry you write?

A: Being diagnosed with lupus forced a change in my life. It has caused me to become more open to God and being inspired, and to have a greater understanding of the suffering of others. Many of my poems are influenced by that and express how important it is to rely on God, whose love can sustain us through life’s difficulties.

Q: Do you only write when you feel inspired?

A: I do only write when I feel the inspiration. Sometimes it just comes to me, and that’s when the writing seems to just flow onto the paper. Other times I have to actively seek inspiration and much prayer is needed. If I can’t write something that will be meaningful, uplifting and encouraging to those reading it, I put it away and come back later to try again.

Q: Do you write anything besides poetry?

A: Poetry is definitely the gift God has given me and what I feel God uses to touch people’s hearts. It is the easiest way for me to communicate what I want to share. There are thoughts and feelings welling up in me that need to be expressed, and writing inspirational poetry is a wonderful outlet. I also write for children. I have three young grandsons, and I enjoy writing for them and other small children. In fact, my first children’s book is due to be released shortly.

Q: What do you find is the most important part of beginning to write?

A: To me, the most important thing is to begin with silence, prayer and meditation.

Q: How do you think Abundant Comfort and Grace can help others?

A: Life can be extremely hard at times. We all have our challenges to face. God’s love and the comfort and grace we have from God can make living a joy in spite of the difficulties, and this is what the poems offer to others. The light of God’s love can shine through them and into the hearts of the reader. The beautiful color photographs by Gary Strader add the visual delight of God’s glorious creation, revealing glimpses of God’s grace and peace.

Q: Is there anything else you would like to add?

A: I would like to thank you, Kathy, not only for sharing this interview as part of my blog tour, but also for the wonderful work you did to make Abundant Comfort and Grace the best and most beautiful it can be. I feel like God led me to RPJ & Company and am very thankful for the outcome!

There will be two drawings at the end of the tour from comments made at the different blogs, one for a free copy of Connie's first book, Beautiful Moments of Joy and Peace, and one for a $10 Amazon gift certificate. The more blogs you comment on, the more entries you receive! There will be an additional drawing for a $25 Amazon gift certificate from those purchasing Abundant Comfort and Grace. You’ll be entered by purchasing a signed copy from my website, using PayPal or check, from RPJ & Company ( or Amazon and contact Connie with confirmation of your online purchase. May you be abundantly blessed, comforted and filled with God’s grace!
Please accept the invitation to continue following Connie's virtual book tour. The entire schedule is posted on her blog,

To learn more about our services and books, our website is:  To visit our online store,

Monday, June 21, 2010


Marty Delmon completes another book in her "Destined" series.  If you have not had the opportunity to read one of her books, here's your chance to receive 10% off any of her books ordered before July 31, 2010.

Faith is not just what we believe, but Who we believe in which makes Faith active and performing in the believer's behalf. The great strength of Faith is its ability to perform and achieve for the believer in what would appear to be a benign fashion, but actually requires a tough stance. Faith without working your faith is dead, while faith demonstrated through action makes it alive.

Visit our online store ( to check out all her books. Give us a call to get your 10% savings today!


Tuesday, May 25, 2010


We're so excited to have a new poet in the "RPJ family."  Connie Arnold (author) and Gary Strader (photographer) have worked for quite awhile putting poetry in some type of book layout, along with images from Gary's collection, and by the wonderful ability to go "blog hopping" on the internet is how she found us!

Abundant Comfort and Grace is filled with 61 color images to compliment Connie's poetry.  It's a blessing for godly connections, and now to have a direct connection with common talents, is a forever treasure. 

Check this book out at your favorite online bookstore, Connie's website (, or RPJ and Company's online bookstore ( for more information.  The book will be available around mid-June. Reserve your copy today!


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Writing/Computer Workshop

May 22, 2010 is our next writing / computer workshop.

Last month we had a great turn out; lots of creativity and talent filled the room!

Casselberry Library
215 N. Oxford Road, 407-665-1500
1:00-2:00 p.m.
Room 139 (near side entrance)

You may bring a cold lunch and a covered beverage. Bring your laptop or notebook to take notes. Come with your questions and a friend. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at 407.551.0734.

Please join us!  From 2-4pm I'll be offering a one hour of free consulting/training when you pay for the first hour ($45.00).  Call me if you'd like to have a personal coaching session about the computers, writing, or publishing.

Have a blessed week!


Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 24 - Gathering for Authors, Writers & Book Lovers

Casselberry Library - Open to the Public
215 N. Oxford Road, Room 139 (near side entrance)

MEET and GREET some new Authors. Books will be on display. FREE books and other printed materials will be available. Learn computer skills for writing and effective communication, tips for publishing and more. Bring a cold lunch, covered drink, questions, a notebook, and a friend.

4th Saturday every month
1:00-2:00 pm
215 N. Oxford Road, near side entrance of Library
Library: 407-665-1500 / Host: 407-551-0734

Sponsored by: / Kathleen Schubitz

For more information about getting your book published or to schedule a private consultation, email us today.

Friday, April 16, 2010

April 21, 2010 - Hope Circle

A progam and lunch will be offered at 11:30 for those of you who would like to join us prior to the Hope Circle meeting.  The cost is only $6.00.

Join us during Hope Circle on Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. in the church parlor where Christian Author and Publisher Kathleen Schubitz will be sharing her testimony of God's call to help others find healing, freedom and purpose in life. She is the author of "Finding Purpose after Abuse" and her latest book is, "...In His Presence." She has overcome many hurtful situations in her own life and is now being used by God to help others on their journeys. Many books will be on display. All women are invited to meet Kathleen and hear her story.

April 21 - 1-2:30 pm
Community United Methodist Church
4921 S. U.S. Highway 17-92
Casselberry, FL

See you there!


You can also find all of our books at

Sunday, April 4, 2010

April 10, 2010

April 10 - 12-2pm

Corner of 17/92 & 436 in Casselberry

I'll be autographing copies of my fifth book, "...In His Presence" and will have free books, bookmarks, and candy.

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Meet me... April 3, 2010

Busy, busy, and busy are the words that describe my life in the last several weeks.  Many bible studies, renewing friendships and relationships, and April is a month filled with places I'll be to meet you and autograph books.  Or maybe you'd like to just stop by later in the month and pick up a free book.

I've just published my fifth book and I'm excited to share it with you.  I hope you'll be able to join me at one of my events in April. 

Here is my first appearance:

April 3 - 11:00 until ??
515 E. Altamonte Drive, Suite 7
Altamonte Springs, FL

I'll have most of my books available for sale at the event. As always, they are available at my online bookstore,, your favorite online bookstore, and

Please share this information with your friends and email lists.

Hope to see you soon!


Friday, February 26, 2010


We are proud to announce the release of Destined for Love, the third book in a three-part Christian inspirational series by author Marty Delmon. Destined for Love shows how it is possible to live in the love of God on a daily basis, cherish it like never before and share it with the world. The author sites countless scriptural examples as a virtual instruction book on how to fulfill “The Love Commandment.” By taking the charge from God, conducting it through the heart and transmitting it above and beyond, one can create a world Destined for Love.

To learn more about any of Marty's books, you can visit her website at  If you want to purchase a copy, you can do so through our website,

Have a blessed weekend!


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Calling Authors, Writers and Avid Book Readers

An idea came to mind to have a book signing at the local Library.  Well, they want too much money, so the manager and I came up with a new idea... a Book Club

I want to start a new club for local authors, new writers, avid book readers and anything related to writing and publishing.

The Casselberry, Florida Library location will be our meeting place.  Our first meeting will be March 20, 2010, from 1-4pm.  I'm looking for input from you so we can offer something for everyone. 

Please help spread the word, locally.  I have lots of ideas, but I'd love to brainstorm with you.

Have a wonderful week!


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Do your words and heart agree?

An excerpt from Marty Delmon's book, Destined for Healing. The author, as she references Romans 10:9-10 here, gives us something to think about:

"Look at this verse as if it is a safeguard, because it is. Two things must be in agreement for anything to happen in your life. You must believe in your heart and you must say with your mouth. Consider this: if you believe one thing and say another with your mouth, your faulty words will not accomplish what you said. But if you say what you believe, you will have it."

To read more, visit

Or the publisher's online store:

Have a blessed and prosperous week!

Friday, February 5, 2010


Pat and I met through a mutual acquaintance. I recall meeting her at Einstein Bagels close to home, and I was told that she had some real talent.

We talked over coffee and I agreed to look over her poetry in exchange for dinner. Well, I had company for a couple of days, but managed to read her work in its entirety within a couple of days! It was so wonderful! If she had not written her poetry, I would have claimed it as my own!

Pat Elston had some real talent. My job was challenging; I had to convince her that it was worth publishing, and then creating a masterpiece with what the Lord had given her through the years.

What an honor it was to serve her! I don't think she was ever able to truly imagine what the finished product would be and the excitement grew as we worked diligently together to create a lasting legacy.

She now has a beautifully designed book, for her family and friends. I'm so happy and blessed to call her my friend!


To buy your very own copy, visit any online bookstore or visit her website,

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tip for saving time on editing

As a publisher, I wear many hats. One of those hats is being an editor for new manuscripts.

So often I see that writers type scripture verses as they go along. Though it's great for maintaining one's typing speed and accuracy, it is not efficient when re-reading, editing, and proofreading need to be done, especially when it becomes an out-of-pocket expense.

Some of you know what I'm going to say, use the resources online. You can find your favorite Bible version at Bible Gateway or if you're like me, a strict KJV kind of person, Bible Seeker is what I've traditionally used in the past, however, I am going to consider switching.

With my minimal usage, it seemed that Bible Gateway could be quicker. Figure out your verses, look them up online, copy & paste! You'll never have to check for typos, grammatical errors, or punctuation again!

Have a blessed week!


Friday, January 29, 2010


Dr. Shaun Carter emerges as a new published author with RPJ & Company. I am so blessed to have connected with her last year.

My experience with her has been nothing less than wonderful. If you don't get a chance to meet her in person, you can visit her on facebook, or buy her book to help support her ministry as God directs her in this next year.

You can schedule a speaking engagement or book signing for your church or ministry.

Visit her on facebook or email her directly:

RPJ & Company is blessed with wonderful clients!


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Spiritual poetry to lift your soul

It has been 6 years since my first poetry book came out. And now it's improved and expanded for your reading pleasure!

I was in a constant state of indecision about my layout & design until I decided to make it full color. I've added new poems, edited some of the others, and I'm so happy with the end product.

From my own experiences, the poems convey messages of love, comfort and healing for the soul. The poetry will gently lead you into reflection and meditation with the Lord. It's complete with a scriptural index.

Please visit my store and share this with your friends.

Be blessed this week!

Visit us at Amazon,

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

More exposure for authors

Yesterday (when I should have been blogging) I was busy making connections! So I'm a little behind.

We will be offering some additional marketing for books and authors through a print and online magazine with a circulation of 100,000 in print and more than 20,000 online! Very exciting! Then to top off the day, I met a man who owns a recording studio.

Do you have plans to make an audio book? We may have just the connection and resources you need!

Be blessed!

Facebook profile

Monday, January 4, 2010

FREE books...

RPJ & Company is always looking for avid readers to read, comment and provide online reviews for our books. We will provide a FREE book for every one wishing to write a review.

Check out our store at and let us know which book you'd like to review. Please be sure to include your name and email address of where we'll send the PDF copy.

Be blessed!


Facebook profile

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Is 2010 the year for writing the book you've always dreamed of?

Diana Scimone of Peapod Publishing will be teaching a Writer's Workshop in Mt. Dora, Florida this month.

January 9, 2010
10am - 1pm
$30 if you pre-register / $40 at the door (Brunch is included)

What a great way to begin the new year. If you know someone who has a book inside them, please forward this blog.

For more information, or

Happy New Year!

Are you Destined for Success?

Marty Delmon, missionary to France, will give you some inside information to become Destined for Success.

When the Bible speaks of riches, it means financial wealth. In Destined for Success, author Marty Delmon invites you to investigate what the Bible says about wealth and how to obtain it. THERE IS A FORMULA. THIS IS IT.

ON SALE THIS MONTH for $10.50 (tax and shipping included)!