I was in a constant state of indecision about my layout & design until I decided to make it full color. I've added new poems, edited some of the others, and I'm so happy with the end product.
From my own experiences, the poems convey messages of love, comfort and healing for the soul. The poetry will gently lead you into reflection and meditation with the Lord. It's complete with a scriptural index.
Please visit my store and share this with your friends.
Be blessed this week!
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It's a great work Kathy and you should be proud. By the way, many of the poems would work particularly well as song lyrics with the rhythm and sentiment, if you know anyone who is a composer. It was a pleasure to read and I feel better for it.
This poetry book is a visual and spiritual delight! The poems provoke feelings of joy and blessing because of the authentic expression of the poet. The Lord's personality and character come alive as the writer expresses the images of song and dance before the Lord who anxiously awaits the worship of His beloved daughter. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Kathy's words brim over with love and faith that fill the pages lovingly presented for the edification of other believers and for those who are seeking Him.
ReplyDeleteThe beautifully illustrated poems on every page are good food for my soul and spirit.