Friday, October 21, 2011

September News from Marty Delmon

C. S. Lewis said, “The Son of God became the Son of Man so that sons of men may become sons of God.” How does that happen? The Son of God came to earth as a human baby, laying aside His divinity to live the life of a normal man. He taught God’s truths for three years and demonstrated God’s power available to human beings. Then He willingly suffered an excruciating death. Every human being that lived or ever will live has been saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, the Savior of mankind. However, that salvation, though paid for, can only be received through the new birth.

Jesus answered and said to him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3:3.

At the moment you surrender to Jesus Christ and accept His magnanimous gift of salvation, the Holy Spirit gives you a new spirit and calls this transaction the new birth. You are born into the family of God; you are now His son. When that new spirit arrives in the depths of you, the Holy Spirit of God comes to live in your new spirit bringing with Him the Kingdom of God, which He establishes there. He also brings God’s gift to you, which is God’s Grace. Grace is everything God has and everything God is. The Holy Spirit teaches you how to live in God’s Kingdom and how to receive and use God’s Grace.

"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you…." Acts 1:8.

To be baptized in the Holy Spirit means for the Holy Spirit to come upon you with power. You already have the Holy Spirit living inside you and now, with this baptism, you are living inside the Holy Spirit. The word baptism means to submerge and spiritual baptism submerges you in the Holy Spirit. You may ask, What difference can this make? All the difference in the world! The first notable difference is the ability to speak in tongues.

For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries. 1 Corinthians 14:2.

The only one who understands us when we speak in tongues is God! We don’t even understand tongues. We have to ask the Holy Spirit to interpret our spiritual language for us! That interpretation may come in words or in visions or just a knowing on the inside. Talking to God directly brings revelation, wisdom, understanding of what to do or say, and it brings comfort.

The second notable difference is the power to perform miracles like Jesus did. I put this quality in second place because communion with God must always come first. Jesus said we would do greater works than He did.

Experience a new spiritual birth, receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, grow up into a spiritual man, and follow God into your destiny of being the very image of Jesus Christ Himself and accomplishing the will of God for your life. That’s the only reason why we are on this earth! This physical life is our training ground for eternity.

There is so much more to come after death! Only those who surrender to the Love and Sacrifice of Jesus Christ will live for eternity with God. So now, while you have the chance, ask questions of the Holy Spirit and He will show you answers in the Word of God and in your spirit.

A Chinese proverb says, “He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.” Ask now while you’re on the training ground. Ask Jesus about this new birth. Ask about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Let God Himself answer your questions. He’s waiting.

Marty Delmon
The author of many books which can be found at RPJ & Company ( and Amazon:

Monday, August 22, 2011

A new author soon emerges

It's finally out!  Everyone is loving it!  Get your copy today!

Candy Smith, the author of Beginning Dreamwork: How to have a conversation with your soul, is excited to let people know about her book that will soon be available worldwide. 

From my point of view, her journal style writing and inner-most thoughts is a catalyst to honestly look at your own life and circumstances.  A great read with many resources.  Save $2.00 & shipping costs off the retail price of $18.95 by making your request and payment early.

We're doing our best to make it into an e-book format right away.  If you'd like a PDF copy for half the price, let me know.

As Candy would say, Sweet Dreams!

Blessings to all!

To check out more ebooks and save money, visit:

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Uprooting Buried Lies...a new release

We're excited about the newly updated and revised version of a companion workbook -- Uprooting Buried Lies - Discovering Your Spiritual Blueprint by Marty Delmon.

She followed God's instruction and repeatedly worked this process to perfection.  It has transformed many lives, especially those living in fear of people growing up with low self esteem.  Living by God's truth will change people's lives... get your very own copy today.

It's available at Amazon, both in print and the Kindle version.  For other ebook devices, it will soon be available at Smashwords.

God bless as you journey into discovering your own spiritual blueprint!


Monday, June 27, 2011

Books on Amazon's Kindle

Our books are becoming available through Amazon's Kindle.  Our first book launched was by Randy Newberry, and now Marty Delmon's, Destined for Grace is now available.

The links are below:

Destined for Grace:

If the Battle is the Lord's... Why Am I So Tired?

Christian books for those who enjoy inspiring messages!


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Win $50... take the challenge... if you dare

Testing Word Sleuth Skills!
(Print it out and try your proofreading skills)

So you think you're a good proofreader... take the challenge...  This idea was included in a magazine about 40 years ago and has recently been re-created by an editor.
There are twenty-one errors in this text.

Before reading any farther, be forwarned that most are the tricky but common mistakes that may sneak in irregardless of any electronic spell-scan.

Pretty easy to find, you should be able to spot the things that need to be corrected. Everyone of your fellow writers will complement you if you find them all! The details for which you are looking are unevenly divided between: grammar, spelling, punctuation and factual flubbs. Your English teacher may have continuously discussed these ideas; the challenge, therefor, is to remember those lessons!

Think about it! What would be the affect on your writing if you get even better at finding these errors. If your project is worth doing, it is worth doing good, and some times it takes many journeys through the text to accomplish that. Anytime spent fixing a violated word principal will improve the quality of the work and it’s message.

None of us are perfect at this task! Still, work to hone your skills …then also consider adding a good word sleuth to your team!

For anyone who finds all the errors, I'll offer a $50 discount off your next writing project. 


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Our First Novel...

BURIED LIES. They live in almost every heart. Usually planted deep during early childhood, these lies can play havoc on into adult years. Sometimes they are quite sinister and produce total chaos, and sometimes they become so ingrained they are not even recognized for what they are, lies.

However, God wants clean hearts. He does not want His children to nurture lies about His precious creation, but rather to live full and abundant lives. To achieve that He wants to pull out lies by the roots so He can replace them with His Truth.

"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32

Ebook is available through Smashwords, downloadable on almost every device. Follow the link:
Blessings to all!


Monday, March 7, 2011

Smashwords is having a sale!

We've been busy publishing new books and helping new self published authors.  Take advantage of the low prices and increased FREE previews during their promotional week to read ebooks.  Our books are found here:

If you're interested in having a look at some other types of books, either for enjoyment or perhaps to give you ideas, the main site is:

Have a joyful week!


Friday, February 25, 2011

Amazing Grace

God's provision during widowhood
The author received confirmation from the Lord that this is one of His books for the end times.  To me, it is a timeless treasure that will undoubtedly touch hearts and move people back toward God.

Here are the links:

For those who would like to read a FREE preview, or save money with the purchase of an ebook, here is the link for the distributor:


Be blessed as you read and share one of God's stories.

Where quality and excellence meet face to face!
Healing for the wounded and abused soul.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Destined for Grace

Destined for Grace by Marty Delmon is available in ebook now.  Print book will be coming at the end of this month or early February.

Check it out:

You can have a sneak preview for free.

Have a blessed week!


Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Children's Book Author comes to town

We are excited to meet Connie Arnold, author of three poetry books and her latest book, Animal Sound Mix-Up, this Friday - January 7th.

About the book:

Can you imagine what the world would be like if animals each made completely different sounds than expected? That would be such an amazing surprise, and how crazy it would seem if this were to happen! This book explores different animal sounds and why animals make the sounds they do.

She will be autographing copies of her children's book at:


We'll both be there from 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Hope to see you there!

