Friday, February 25, 2011

Amazing Grace

God's provision during widowhood
The author received confirmation from the Lord that this is one of His books for the end times.  To me, it is a timeless treasure that will undoubtedly touch hearts and move people back toward God.

Here are the links:

For those who would like to read a FREE preview, or save money with the purchase of an ebook, here is the link for the distributor:


Be blessed as you read and share one of God's stories.

Where quality and excellence meet face to face!
Healing for the wounded and abused soul.

1 comment:

  1. This story of Jane’s journey sparkles with insights wrung painfully from familiar scriptures. However, the sparkles are from the tears that spill from her eyes and heart onto the paper as she writes. Months after the death of her beloved husband she writes, “I felt finished, weary and broken. Life without Bill was just too hard!”

    As scar tissue builds over the searing wound, Jane becomes more aware of God’s spirit in her own spirit, the part of her that exists eternally. She learns that inner conflict with God’s purposes can cause untold physical suffering. Daily she struggles to come into agreement with God and believe, truly believe, the Word of God.

    She notes that the grief and confusion she experienced can exist for those who have been abandoned, not just widowed. She thoughtfully includes at the end of the book, fifteen short sections explaining the various business matters that a widow will likely encounter.

    The effort to write this book is her love gift to every reader.
